Unfortunately this is not my photograph, but could have been, if I had had my camera with me...
I was going fishing in Dorset and was driving down this country road towards Dancing Ledge, which is near Swanage. I had already seen a Buzzard on a telegraph pole and thought, if only I had my camera....
A little further on, on the same road, this young Buzzard was on a fence post at the side of the road. I thought, well I have my phone and it's pretty close, so I stopped, wound down the window. The Buzzard alighted and moved to the next fence post. I drove on stopped and tried again. It alighted and moved to the next fence post. I tried a third time, this time it flew over the car and landed by the passenger side, on a fence post. I wound down the window and it flew off. If only I had had my camera...
Thank you Neil. Good advice that we should all heed!
Always have your camera with you. You never know what opportunities will crop up.
Recently I had a similar-ish experience, I was driving on the A46 and saw a Buzzard flying low over an adjacent field, I actually had my camera in the boot of my car but couldn't find anywhere to pull in and stop on what is a busy road. Oh well, next time.